Dev C Cannot Compile


What is Dev-C++?
Dev-C++, developed by Bloodshed Software, is a fully featured graphical IDE (Integrated Development Environment), which is able to create Windows or console-based C/C++ programs using the MinGW compiler system. MinGW (Minimalist GNU* for Windows) uses GCC (the GNU g++ compiler collection), which is essentially the same compiler system that is in Cygwin (the unix environment program for Windows) and most versions of Linux. There are, however, differences between Cygwin and MinGW; link to Differences between Cygwin and MinGW for more information.

/. Online C Compiler. Code, Compile, Run and Debug C program online. Write your code in this editor and press 'Run' button to compile and execute it. May 02, 2009 My dev c has gone completely insane or something. I can compile my programs, no problem there. But when I press run, nothing happens. When I press compile and run, it compiles but does not run.

Click picture to enlarge.

Apr 03, 2010  Source File Not Compiled in DevC? I am trying to create a C program with DevC. After I compile with no errors, and then try to run it, it gives me this warning: 'source file not compiled'. I have this code which do some matrix operation. It can be run on Microsoft Visual c 6.0 but i got problem when run it using Dev C

I'll be the first to say that the name Bloodshed won't give you warm and fuzzies, but I think it's best if the creator of Bloodshed explains:

First I would like to say that I am not a satanist, that I hate violence/war and that I don't like heavy metal / hard-rock music. I am french, but I do know the meaning of the 'Bloodshed' word, and I use this name because I think it sounds well. If you are offended by the name, I am very sorry but it would be a big mess to change the name now.

There's also a reason why I keep the Bloodshed name. I don't want people to think Bloodshed is a company, because it isn't. I'm just doing this to help people.

Here is a good remark on the Bloodshed name I received from JohnS:
I assumed that this was a reference to the time and effort it requires of you to make these nice software programs, a la 'Blood, Sweat and Tears'.

Peace and freedom,

Colin Laplace

Getting Dev-C++
The author has released Dev-C++ as free software (under GPL) but also offers a CD for purchase which can contain all Bloodshed software (it's customizable), including Dev-C++ with all updates/patches.

Link to Bloodshed Dev-C++ for a list of Dev-C++ download sites.

You should let the installer put Dev-C++ in the default directory of C:Dev-Cpp, as it will make it easier to later install add-ons or upgrades.

Using Dev-C++
This section is probably why you are here.

All programming done for CSCI-2025 will require separate compilation projects (i.e. class header file(s), class implementation file(s) and a main/application/client/driver file). This process is relatively easy as long as you know what Dev-C++ requires to do this. In this page you will be given instructions using the Project menu choice. In another handout you will be given instructions on how to manually compile, link and execute C++ files at the command prompt of a command window. See here.

Step 1: Configure Dev-C++.
We need to modify one of the default settings to allow you to use the debugger with your programs.

  • Go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Compiler Options'.
  • In the 'Settings' tab, click on 'Linker' in the left panel, and change 'Generate debugging information' to 'Yes':
  • Click 'OK'.

Step 2: Create a new project.
A 'project' can be considered as a container that is used to store all the elements that are required to compile a program.

  • Go to the 'File' menu and select 'New', 'Project..'.
  • Choose 'Empty Project' and make sure 'C++ project' is selected.
    Here you will also give your project a name. You can give your project any valid filename, but keep in mind that the name of your project will also be the name of your final executable.
  • Once you have entered a name for your project, click 'OK'.
  • Dev-C++ will now ask you where to save your project.

Step 3: Create/add source file(s).
You can add empty source files one of two ways:

  • Go to the 'File' menu and select 'New Source File' (or just press CTRL+N) OR
  • Go to the 'Project' menu and select 'New File'.
    Note that Dev-C++ will not ask for a filename for any new source file until you attempt to:
    1. Compile
    2. Save the project
    3. Save the source file
    4. Exit Dev-C++

You can add pre-existing source files one of two ways:
  • Go to the 'Project' menu and select 'Add to Project' OR
  • Right-click on the project name in the left-hand panel and select 'Add to Project'.
EXAMPLE: Multiple source files
In this example, more than 3 files are required to compile the program; The 'driver.cpp' file references 'Deque.h' (which requires 'Deque.cpp') and 'Deque.cpp' references 'Queue.h' (which requires 'Queue.cpp').

Step 4: Compile.
Once you have entered all of your source code, you are ready to compile.

  • Go to the 'Execute' menu and select 'Compile' (or just press CTRL+F9).

    It is likely that you will get some kind of compiler or linker error the first time you attempt to compile a project. Syntax errors will be displayed in the 'Compiler' tab at the bottom of the screen. You can double-click on any error to take you to the place in the source code where it occurred. The 'Linker' tab will flash if there are any linker errors. Linker errors are generally the result of syntax errors not allowing one of the files to compile.

Once your project successfully compiles, the 'Compile Progress' dialog box will have a status of 'Done'. At this point, you may click 'Close'.

Step 5: Execute.
You can now run your program.

  • Go to the 'Execute' menu, choose 'Run'.
Note: to pass command-line parameters to your program, go to the 'Execute' menu, choose 'Parameters' and type in any paramaters you wish to pass.

Disappearing windows
If you execute your program (with or without parameters), you may notice something peculiar; a console window will pop up, flash some text and disappear. The problem is that, if directly executed, console program windows close after the program exits. You can solve this problem one of two ways:

  • Method 1 - Adding one library call:
    On the line before the main's return enter:
  • Method 2 - Scaffolding:
    Add the following code before any return statement in main() or any exit() or abort() statement (in any function):
    /* Scaffolding code for testing purposes */
    cin.ignore(256, 'n');
    cout << 'Press ENTER to continue..'<< endl;
    /* End Scaffolding */
    This will give you a chance to view any output before the program terminates and the window closes.
  • Method 3 - Command-prompt:
    Alternatively, instead of using Dev-C++ to invoke your program, you can just open an MS-DOS Prompt, go to the directory where your program was compiled (i.e. where you saved the project) and enter the program name (along with any parameters). The command-prompt window will not close when the program terminates.

For what it's worth, I use the command-line method.

Step 6: Debug.
When things aren't happening the way you planned, a source-level debugger can be a great tool in determining what really is going on. Dev-C++'s basic debugger functions are controlled via the 'Debug' tab at the bottom of the screen; more advanced functions are available in the 'Debug' menu.

Using the debugger:
The various features of the debugger are pretty obvious. Click the 'Run to cursor' icon to run your program and pause at the current source code cursor location; Click 'Next Step' to step through the code; Click 'Add Watch' to monitor variables.
Setting breakpoints is as easy as clicking in the black space next to the line in the source code.
See the Dev-C++ help topic 'Debugging Your Program' for more information.

Dev-C++ User F.A.Q.

Why do I keep getting errors about 'cout', 'cin', and 'endl' being undeclared?
It has to do with namespaces. You need to add the following line after the includes of your implementation (.cpp) files:

How do I use the C++ string class?
Again, it probably has to do with namespaces. First of all, make sure you '#include <string>' (not string.h). Next, make sure you add 'using namespace std;' after your includes.


That's it for now.
I am not a Dev-C++ expert by any means (in fact, I do not teach C++ nor use it on a regular basis), but if you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Happy coding!

  • Latest Version:

    DEV-C++ 5.11 LATEST

  • Requirements:

    Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

  • Author / Product:

    Bloodshed Software / DEV-C++

  • Old Versions:

  • Filename:

    Dev-Cpp 5.11 TDM-GCC 4.9.2 Setup.exe

  • MD5 Checksum:


  • Auto tune songs 2015. Details:

    DEV-C++ 2020 full offline installer setup for PC 32bit/64bit

DEV-C++ is a fully-featured integrated development environment (IDE) for creating, debugging and creating applications written in a popular C++ programming language. Even though tools for the development of C++ software have undergone countless upgrades over the years, a large number of developers located all around the world have expressed a wish to continue using

Dev C Cannot Compile List

DEV-C++. This IDE platform has proven itself as highly reliable and intuitive, giving developers access to all of their necessary tools, in-depth debugging, and most importantly, a stable error-free environment for the development of apps of all sizes – from small school tasks to large business projects intended for both internal and public use.
The app is an open-source IDE environment, offering software solutions and the necessary tools for C++ app development. However, be aware that its toolset is focused more on novices and basic programming, and that open source community has not updated its toolset for a considerable time. Still, what is present in its latest version represents a highly-capable C++ IDE that could be used for years without encountering any issue.
If you are a novice, are a student who wants to create C++ project in a stable and easy to use software environment, or even if you are a seasoned programmer who wants to access C++ programming inside small IDE that will not strain your computer resources, DEV-C++ represents a perfect choice. It has all the required tools and feature sets for creating small to mid-sized apps.
It runs on all modern versions of Windows and can be used without any restrictions for free. It was originally developed as an open-source fork of the Bloodshed Dev-C++ IDE.
Installation and Use
Even though DEV-C++ is filled with advanced compiler, debugger and a wide array of dev tools, it’s installation package is quite small (only around 50 MB) and therefore can be easily installed on any modern Windows PC or laptop. Just follow the onscreen instructions, and in mere seconds DEV C plus plus will be ready for running. Other more developed modern IDE environments, on the other hand, require much more storage space, and their installation can run for minutes.
Once up and running, you will be welcomed in a user-friendly interface that can be additionally customized to better fit your needs. The main window of the app follows the basic structure of many other modern IDE environments, with top row of dropdown menus and buttons that are shortcuts to its many built-in tools, a large vertical three-tabbed area for managing Projects, Classes and Debug listings, and of course, the main project area (with support for tabs) where you can start programming your apps. Both the app and the current project can be customized extensively. App Options window features tabs for Genera, Fonts, Colors, Code Insertion, Class Browsing, and Autosave customizations. Environment Options feature tabs for General, Directories, External Programs, File Associations, and CVS support customization.

Dev C Cannot Compile Free

Features and Highlights

Dev C Cannot Compile In Java

  • Fully-featured IDE for developing C++ apps.
  • User-friendly interface with many tools for managing project development.
  • Resource-light and unobtrusive feature set.
  • Focused on novices and mid-level programmers who want stability and reliability.
  • Powerful compiler and debugger.
  • Compatible with all the modern versions of Windows OS

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