Funcion Getch En Dev C++

  1. Function Getch In Dev C Download
  2. Dev C++ Getch
  3. Function Getch In Dev C 4

Jan 28, 2009  I've been coding C for a while now, and in that time I've of course surfed the web a fair bit. Is it just me, or does everybody on the internet just hate conio.h's getch? I've seen a lot of forums where people are asking the best way to pause a program, and a lot of people absolutely refuse to use getch, or getch. Use of getch,getche and getchar in C Overview Most of the program is ending with getch, and so we think that getch is used to display the output.but it is wrong.It is used to get a single character from the console.

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Function Getch In Dev C Download


The C library function char *gets(char *str) reads a line from stdin and stores it into the string pointed to by str. It stops when either the newline character is read or when the end-of-file is reached, whichever comes first.


Following is the declaration for gets() function.


  • str − This is the pointer to an array of chars where the C string is stored.

Dev C++ Getch

Return Value

Function Getch In Dev C 4

This function returns str on success, and NULL on error or when end of file occurs, while no characters have been read.

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The following example shows the usage of gets() function.

Let us compile and run the above program that will produce the following result −