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  2. Download Vst Plugins For Everyone Piano Chords

Chordz is a VST plugin that allows you to trigger full chords by playing single notes. Each trigger note is associated with a separate chord. Each chord may consist of any number of notes. Play complicated chord progressions with one finger, with a MIDI keyboard or a drum-pad, or trigger chords from single notes added in your DAW’s piano roll.

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The tone, timbre and depth of a well-tempered acoustic piano has perhaps the widest expressive range of any instrument this side of a complete orchestra. Encapsulating the magic in digital audio samples, combined with a compelling way to play back these samples with grace and subtlety is something of a holy grail for plugin developers and VST users alike. Free VST downloads: 4Front Piano (Upright piano by 4Front) - AkoustiK KeyZ (Piano by DSK) - Awesome Piano (Dissonant piano by Digital Systemic Emulations) - Boing2 (Bowed string by Xoxos) - Cellofan (Cello by Soundkey) - City Piano (Baldwin baby grand piano by bigcat Instruments) - Creepy Piano (Piano by Electronik Sound Lab) - CVPiano (Grand piano by Tascam) - DPiano-A (Acoustic piano by Dead.

A chord can be set up to include individual notes spread out over several octaves (two octaves both below and above the octave of the trigger note). This means you can easily create chord inversions and other custom chord voicings, for example double certain notes, both above and below the root note. The chord suggestion feature suggests diatonic chords based on the selected scale and root note.

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When “easy mode” is enabled, you can play the chords in any scale using only the white keys, with “C” always being the I chord. The black keys can then be used for chord variations (for example “C#” to trigger a major seventh or ninth chord, while “C” triggers a regular major chord).

The keyboard can be divided into three zones, one for playing chords, the other two (one below, and one above, the chord trigger zone) for playing single notes. Each zone can be independently transposed up or down by any number of octaves. This allows you to play chords with your left hand, while your right hand plays the melody.

Optionally, single notes outside the chord trigger zone can be forced to stay within the selected scale. When easy mode is enabled, it will follow the chord trigger setup (for example, if scale is set to F minor and a C note will produce a F minor chord, a C note outside the chord trigger zone will play a F note). This will ensure that you will always stay in key, and never hit a wrong note.


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The plugin supports optional velocity scaling and randomization for each note of the chord. Another feature is the start and end delay (this can also be randomized), which can be used to, for example, emulate strumming or to create more unpredictable results (works great with sounds with a long attack and/or decay, such as pads or strings).

Chordz comes with more than 40 scale/chord templates, and a chord library with more than 50 chord types. You can add your own custom templates, and new chord types by editing the relevant text file. And you can, of course, customize the chords directly in the GUI.

Download Vst Plugins For Everyone Piano Chords

Chordz can also work as an educational tool. You can use Chordz to better understand the various musical scales and corresponding chords, as well as to learn those scales and chords by following the visual guides on the plugin’s virtual keyboards display.