Dev C++ Directx 11


Tutorial 1: Setting up DirectX 11 with Visual Studio. Tutorial 2: Creating a Framework and Window. Tutorial 3: Initializing DirectX 11. Download cooking mama mod apk revdl.

  • Jun 21, 2015  Well Dev C is much old fashioned. I would rather say to give a try to CodeBlocks. It is pretty clean and easy to execute. Still GLUT can be installed within Dev C for implementing Graphical programs. GLUT is is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a.
  • You'll need these before beginning this tutorial: 1. Visual Studio 2010 or later 2. The DirectX SDK June 2010 3. A basic knowledge of C 4. A burning desire to make games.
  • Nov 13, 2012  As you figured out WARP is part of DirectX 11. With DirectX 11.1, WARP was enhanced with (among other things) support for DirectCompute and hence it is one of the accelerators for C AMP. DirectX 11.1 is part of Windows 8, just like DirectX 11 was part of Windows 7. DirectX 11 was made available for Vista, but at this point there is no plan.
  • This talk brings you up to speed with the API, offers tips on how to get your renderer up and running, presents key feature overviews, and shows how to deploy your application. Attending this talk is highly recommended if you are attending other DirectX 11 presentations.
  • Adventures in web/cloud dev, and more! 2 thoughts on “ Books and resources for making games with C and DirectX 11 for Windows (and Xbox One!) ” Pingback: Shahed Chowdhuri's Blog: Books and resources for making games with C and DirectX 11 for Windows (and Xbox One!).
Hi gsizzle10,
to use DirectX you need to get the DirectX SDK (Software Development Kit) -- the IDE you choose to use (such as Dev-C++, Visual Studio etc) is up to you. The latest version of the SDK is the June 2010 version, found here:
This version includes everything needed to write applications not only for DirectX 9 but up to DirectX 11. There's also a download that has the DirectX 9 SDK only:
Once you have the SDK installed you need to include the required DirectX headers and lib files so that your program can compile successfully. You can do that in any IDE you choose.
As for Dev-C++, I have to say that the version is pretty old. It was released on 2005 I think (and no newer versions came out). You may want to look into Code::Blocks as a more recent alternative. Although I'd personally recommend Visual Studio for DirectX programming (there is also a free version called Visual Studio Express).
For setting up DirectX with Visual Studio, there are a number of PDFs on (this is the website of Frank Luna, an author on DirectX programming) but the DirectX 9 section doesn't have any. Here's one describing the process for DirectX 10 and Visual Studio 2008. It's old (and used the March 2008 version of the SDK) but it's quite informative. Also note that it is intended as a guide on how to compile the source code accompanying the books, but it describes all the steps needed for setting up a DirectX project from scratch. So just skip the final step where the source code for the books is brought into the project and use your own code.
Hope this helps,

In this set of tutorials, you learn how to create a basic Universal Windows Platform (UWP) game with DirectX and C++. We cover all the major parts of a game, including the processes for loading assets such as arts and meshes, creating a main game loop, implementing a simple rendering pipeline, and adding sound and controls.

We show you the UWP game development techniques and considerations. We don't provide a complete end-to-end game. Rather, we focus on key UWP DirectX game development concepts, and call out Windows Runtime specific considerations around those concepts.


To use the basic concepts and components of a UWP DirectX game, and to become more comfortable designing UWP games with DirectX.

What you need to know before starting

Before we get started with this tutorial, you need to be familiar with these subjects.

  • Microsoft C++ with Windows Runtime Language Extensions (C++/CX). This is an update to Microsoft C++ that incorporates automatic reference counting, and is the language for developing a UWP games with DirectX 11.1 or later versions.
  • Basic linear algebra and Newtonian physics concepts.
  • Basic graphics programming terminology.
  • Basic Windows programming concepts.
  • Basic familiarity with the Direct2D and Direct3D 11 APIs.

Direct3D UWP shooting game sample

This sample implements a simple first-person shooting gallery, where the player fires balls at moving targets. Hitting each target awards a set number of points, and the player can progress through 6 levels of increasing challenge. At the end of the levels, the points are tallied, and the player is awarded a final score.

Dev C++ Directx 11 Free

The sample demonstrates the game concepts:

C++ Directx Example

  • Interoperation between DirectX 11.1 and the Windows Runtime
  • A first-person 3D perspective and camera
  • Stereoscopic 3D effects
  • Collision detection between objects in 3D
  • Handling player input for mouse, touch, and Xbox controller controls
  • Audio mixing and playback
  • A basic game state machine

Dev C Directx 11 3

Set up the game projectThe first step in assembling your game is to set up a project in Microsoft Visual Studio in such a way that you minimize the amount of code infrastructure work you need to do. You can save yourself a lot of time and hassle by using the right template and configuring the project specifically for game development. We walk you through the setup and configuration of a simple game project.
Define the game's UWP app frameworkBuild a framework that lets the UWP DirectX game object interact with Windows. This includes Windows Runtime properties like suspend/resume event handling, window focus, and snapping.
Game flow managementDefine the high-level state machine to enable player and system interaction. Learn how UI interacts with the overall game's state machine and how to create event handlers for UWP games.
Define the main game objectDefine how the game is played by creating rules.
Rendering framework I: Intro to renderingAssemble a rendering framework to display graphics. This topic is split into two parts. Intro to rendering explains how to present the scene objects for display on screen.
Rendering framework II: Game renderingIn the second part of the rendering topic, learn how to prepare the data required before rendering occurs.
Add a user interfaceAdd simple menu options and heads-up display components, providing feedback to the player.
Add controlsAdd move-look controls into the game — basic touch, mouse, and game controller controls.
Add soundLearn how to create sounds for the game using XAudio2 APIs.
Extend the game sampleResources to further your knowledge of DirectX game development, includes using XAML to create overlays.