Dev C++ Build Error 255

  1. Dev C Build Error 255 4
  2. Dev C Build Error 255 Download
  3. Dev C Build Error 255 7
  4. Dev C++ Build Error 255 Download
  5. Dev C++ Build Error 255 3

Logged In: YES userid=1194809. I think I may know why your distribution produced the 255 bug. Do you get the same bug now if you try a brand new project? Did you change the Environment Options-Files & Directories-User's Default Directory? Re: Compiler doesn't create.exe file What is wininet? Browse other questions tagged c window page convert text to datetime? I did encounter a couple of prompt or something like that so i tried typing. Jul 18, 2013  Actually, that makefile was not written by me; it was generated by Dev-C it self. So I tried replacing that line with what you gave, and now, I am receiving this error: Build Error No rule to make target `A-Engine.exe', needed by `all'. Thanks for trying to help =D.


The articles in this section of the documentation explain diagnostic error and warning messages that are generated by the Microsoft C/C++ compiler and build tools.


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The Visual Studio compilers and build tools can report many kinds of errors and warnings. After an error or warning is found, the build tools may make assumptions about code intent and attempt to continue, so that more issues can be reported at the same time. If the tools make the wrong assumption, later errors or warnings may not apply to your project. When you correct issues in your project, always start with the first error or warning that's reported, and rebuild often. One fix may make many subsequent errors go away.

To get help on a particular diagnostic message in Visual Studio, select it in the Output window and press the F1 key. Visual Studio opens the documentation page for that error, if one exists. You can also use the search tool above to find articles about specific errors or warnings. Or, browse the list of errors and warnings by tool and type in the navigation pane on this page. How to give daisydisk permission to mac.


Not every Visual Studio error or warning is documented. In many cases, the diagnostic message provides all of the information that's available. If you landed on this page when you used F1 and you think the error or warning message needs additional explanation, let us know. You can use the feedback buttons on this page to raise a documentation issue on GitHub, or a product issue on the Developer Community site. You can also send feedback and enter bugs within the IDE. In Visual Studio, go to the menu bar and choose Help > Send Feedback > Report a Problem, or submit a suggestion by using Help > Send Feedback > Send a Suggestion.

You may find additional assistance for errors and warnings in Microsoft's public forums. Or, search for the error or warning number on the Visual Studio C++ Developer Community site. You can also search for errors and warnings and ask questions on Stack Overflow to find solutions.

Dev C Build Error 255 4

For links to additional help and community resources, see Visual C++ Help and Community.

In this section


BSCMAKE errors and warnings (BKxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Microsoft Browse Information Maintenance Utility (BSCMAKE.EXE).

Dev C Build Error 255 Download

Command-line errors and warnings
Errors and warnings generated by the build tools for command-line options issues.

Compiler fatal errors C999 - C1999
Errors that halt the C++ compiler (CL.EXE).

Compiler errors C2001 - C3999
Errors detected by the C++ compiler (CL.EXE).

Compiler warnings C4000 - C5999
Warnings for issues detected by the C++ compiler (CL.EXE).

Compiler warnings by compiler version
A list of the warnings introduced by each compiler version.

C Runtime errors (Rxxxx)
Errors generated at runtime by the C Runtime Library (CRT).

CVTRES errors and warnings (CVTxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Microsoft Resource File To COFF Object Conversion Utility (CVTRES.EXE).

Expression evaluator errors (CXXxxxx)
Errors generated by the debugger and diagnostics tools.

Linker tools errors and warnings (LNKxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the linker and related tools (LINK.EXE, LIB.EXE, DUMPBIN.EXE, EDITBIN.EXE).

Dev C Build Error 255 7

Math errors (Mxxxx)
Errors generated by the runtime floating-point math library.

NMAKE errors and warnings (Uxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Microsoft makefile tool (NMAKE.EXE).

Profile-Guided Optimization errors and warnings (PGxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) tools.

Dev C++ Build Error 255 Download

Project build errors and warnings (PRJxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the native C++ Project build system in Visual Studio.


Dev C++ Build Error 255 3

Resource compiler errors and warnings (RCxxxx, RWxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Resource Compiler (RC.EXE).

Vectorizer and parallelizer messages
Diagnostic messages generated by the vectorizer and parallelizer optimization compiler options.

Related sections

See also

C/C++ Building Reference
Debugging in Visual Studio